Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Fun!

I've decided the best thing to do to keep my mind off of Zoe is to be busy!!!  So that's what we've been doing around here....  Drew decided about a week ago that he was going to do a sprint triathlon and he did it!!!  We were so proud of him!
Evan took a doughnut break while we were waiting on Drew to come back from the bike portion of the race.. Thanks Papa!
Just coming back from biking- getting ready to start the run portion!!
Giving E high 5's as he's taking off for the run!!
Getting to the finish- He grabbed E and they ran to the finish together :)  So cute!!
Playing with moonsand outside one hot morning last week!
E is in LOVE with Aunt Laura and Uncle John's new kitties...  Too cute!
A visit to the zoo last week....
Painting a police car in the basement playroom!!  I love how you can see the hearts on the map behind Evan...  It's almost like Zoe is in the picture too :) 

No adoption-related news...We just have to wait, wait, wait to hear we've been submitted to the US Embassy.  You'd think we'd be used to all this waiting by now, but unfortunately it just gets harder and harder with each step...  We are praying that all the paperwork moves quickly and we get submitted EARLIER than expected!!!  I would LOVE to jump on a plane RIGHT NOW if I knew we could-  but that's just not how it works :( 

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