Monday, June 11, 2012

Our little patient is healing, thank goodness.  She continues to amaze us.  Kids are resilient.  Although she isn't in much pain anymore, her wounds still don't look great.  The doctor said it could take up to a year for her pigment to come back completely, if it ever does.  Thank you all for the prayers and get well wishes!  We've been soo busy the last couple of weeks!  We have had cookouts with family and friends, trips to the neighborhood pool (which we are LOVING!), picnics, playdates, played outside a lot, done some painting and organizing in our new home, been to the zoo, and more.  Just typing all of that makes me tired!  The summer makes me extra thankful for a husband who values my time at home and works so hard so that I can stay home with our littles.  I know it isn't for everyone (and some days I do wonder if it's for ME), but I really do treasure each and every moment with these 2 precious little ones.  Friends, please feel free to remind me of these words when I am having those days when I struggle as a stay-at-home mom!  Here are a few pictures of the last couple of weeks...
Caught standing on Evan's tool box- and cheesing it up :)

Coloring- one of their favorite things recently...
Love this smile :)
Fell asleep reading during rest time- summers wear a guy out!
Just too cute not to post...  Looking so adorable in her swimsuit...
First time swimming at grandma and grandpa's house- and LOVED it!
Love these 2!

Friday, June 1, 2012


Soo sorry for the long absence from this blog!  For those of you who are friends with me on Facebook know that the last couple of weeks haven't been the best for our little family.  A couple of weeks ago, our church celebrated it's 10 year anniversary with a huge service including Natalie Grant and then a minor league baseball game afterwards.  Our kids were playing in the splash park before the game and having an absolute BLAST until little Zoe had a freak-ish accident.  She walked/fell on a metal access plate on the ground right next to the splash park that was in the hot sun and she was burned. It was AWFUL.  We had never experienced something so scary since becoming parents- Drew sprinted to the parking garage to get our car and we rushed her to the closest hospital (which just so happens to be the best burn center in the state).  She had 2nd degree burns on her hands, feet, and shins.  We would have done ANYTHING to have taken the pain away from her.  But she is such a trooper and the doctor says she is recovering well, although her wounds still don't look good to us or anyone that sees them (I will spare you the awful pictures).  She isn't in any pain anymore, which is a HUGE thing and she is back to her normal smiley and mischevious self.  But we have definitely been preoccupied the last couple of weeks with taking care of our little patient.  We had made plans a long time ago to go to the Children's Museum last weekend and kept them even though Zoe was still a little under the weather and bandaged up.  It was a great trip and she had a blast despite not being able to do everything.  All the bandages are gone now with the exception with one of her feet, so that's a big improvement.  Here are some pictures of us lately....

Evan graduated preschool!  Most of the kids in his class will go on to kindergarten next year, but he
still has another year of preschool because he has a late-August birthday.  Glad I get another year of
him at home with me!
Graduating preschool is kind of a big deal to a 4 year old :)

Trip to the zoo the day before her accident- such a happy little thing!

Evan got brave and decided to feed a giraffe!

She is a Daddy's girl for sure- and he kind of likes her too ;)

All bandaged up.  Poor thing.  But still smiling.  Amazing what morphine will do!

First bike ride of the season!

Children's Museum- designing a new HotWheels car in the Design Center...

Love this guy :)
The kids with Ma and Papa at the Children's Museum- Zoe is rocking the hot
pink bandages :)


The museum really tuckers a girl out! 

Hopefully I don't wait another 3 weeks to update again!!