Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Drew!
Monday, December 29, 2008
We had a wonderful Christmas! Great times with family at each and every gathering (not to mention all the yummy food!!). Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get my camera out at every get-together, but I've included lots of pictures! Enjoy :) I hope your Christmas was as blessed as ours was....
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas Randomness.....
Sorry it's been so long since my last post. The flu bug has hit our house in the last week or so... We've all 3 had it and are hoping that we've gotten it out of our systems for the winter... It was no fun! Really made us appreciate all of our family who was willing to step in and help out with Evan while we were under the weather....
Evan has had his 15 month check-up with his pediatrician since my last post (even though he is really almost 16 months old).... Our little munchkin weighed in at 27 pounds, 14 oz (80th percentile), 32 inches (75th percentile) and his head is 19 3/4 inches (100th percentile- just like his daddy!)... The doctor says he is very healthy and doing wonderful! Here are a few stats on the little man and what he's up to these days...
*He's toddling all over the house and loves to explore new places and things!
*He still loves his toys- although he sometimes tires of them and wants to play with all of the things he's not supposed to have (just like any other kid his age!)....
*He absolutely LOVES books.... He loves to flip through the pages himself, but has started to carry a book to you and climb on your lap and ask to be read too... It's too cute!!
*He knows several signs and uses them regularly (more, eat, please, and thank you)
*He has started to say a couple of words although they're not always very recognizable!
*Although he doesn't talk too much yet, he knows LOTS of words that we say and understands so much (even more than we sometimes realize!)
*He's starting to throw little tantrums and let us know when he's not happy with something- we're wondering if we're going to have a stubborn little guy!!
*He loves to give hugs and kisses (and not just to us, but also his stuffed animals)
*He still takes a pacifier during his naps and nighttime, but we'll be taking that away soon (please pray for us- we know it won't be easy!)
We have been constantly reminded this Christmas season how important family is and how blessed we are to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends... We pray your families have a joyous Christmas..... Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
He's Into Everything!!
Well, things have sure gotten exciting around our house... Evan is officially "toddling" around and into absolutely everything!! We've had to do some additional babyproofing in the last week.... He keeps us on our toes, but we love watching him discover and learn new things everyday...Here are some pictures of the little man in action this past week... I'm going to try and upload a video in the next day or so of him making his animal sounds... We've still got a little work to do, but he knows the cow and sheep pretty well now...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tis the Season and Basement Update...
This is post is going to be a little random, but there are lots of things to update. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted- we've been a little busy around the Baker household. Our Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful. We got to spend a lot of time with family and it was great to see our out-of-town family that we don't get to see very often. We even got a chance to see our friends Josh, Julia and Ethan who were visiting from Ohio. It's always great to catch up with friends... Would you believe I didn't take one picture all weekend? I guess I was just too caught up in the festivities to get out my camera :( Our little man is officially walking and now into everything! Walking has definitely opened up a whole new world for him, and he's loving this newfound freedom... We also have our house all decorated for Christmas. This is the first year we've been able to hang our stockings by a fireplace... Drew and I are really enjoying the fire in the evenings after Evan is asleep.
I also realized that we haven't updated any basement pictures lately to show you our progress.. So here are a few for those of you who have been asking for pictures! It's definitely still a work in progress, but we're getting there slowly but surely. The main room is pretty much done except for new trim and doors, and window treatments. Then we still have to finish the other 3 rooms and bathroom down there... Here are some before and after pictures for those of you who have forgotten what it used to look like...
Before pictures with old bar....
Before pictures...
The spare bedroom after that we had drywalled. All ready for paint and carpet someday...
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